
Monday, April 18, 2005

Wonko the Sane

I think this time of year is simultaneously the best and the worst. At the beginning of the semester it never fails that time appears to be of abundance. It also never fails that at roughly this time I realize exactly how much I have to do, and how quickly my deadlines are approaching. Yet, here I sit, typing a blog. I just hate when people procrastinate and then complain about it. I'll do it anyway, though. It really sucks that I have to sit here in front of my computer, in an office with no windows, doing calculations and writing instead of getting outside and living my life in this time of renewal (and goddamned perfect weather). Being confined makes it very difficult to shed my winter skin. It's difficult to avoid picking some of that mess back up again in this enclosed space. On the other hand, the possibilities are calling to me, and the world feels big again.

This would make perfect sense to Wonko.


At 12:03 PM, Blogger Dan said...

Remember the first lines of "The Wasteland" by Eloit: "April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land..."


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