
Saturday, April 16, 2005

A Penny A Look

Speaking of the little things...I like to watch and listen to Meredith reading Zach his bedtime story. Tonight's was, "A Penny a Look." I think it's a pretty old story. I'd never heard of it before, but it's pretty neat. I like it because it teaches that making money isn't everything, caring for others (even strangers) counts, and Zach was completetly engrossed in it. He was even answering the written-in questions and had just this stern look about him (which looks pretty funny on a three-year-old). It makes me feel good to know that we're teaching him things that he'll carry with him for the rest of his life, and they're good things. Now if he just remembers them when he needs to...

Now, you know you've got a good woman when she can be this honest with you (how's that for a random transition?):
One evening, she was baking some MONSTER cookies for a bake sale at work the next day. She had decided that instead of spooning them out she was just going to make one huge cookie and cut it up into squares. It ended up working really well, but I had joked with her about needing a fire extinguisher, or something before I left to run a quick errand with a friend. After I got back--that's the important part, because she could've just neglected to tell me--she told me that she had a moment of panic when the cookie sheet adjusted to the temperature of the stove, making a loud, resonating metal-on-metal sound. All she could think during that initial reaction lasting an eternal fraction of a second was, "THEY'RE COMING TO GET ME!"

And now she knows I've written this to share with anyone who comes across this page, mainly Dan, and she still loves me. How cool is that?

They're coming to take me away! Ha, ha!


At 2:19 PM, Blogger Dan said...

I still think you're crazy. :)


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